Today when I was editing these family photos It occurred to me that I have some really pretty friends. This family is proof. Also, I know people with good taste. This family is proof of that too. They picked the spot for their pictures and I think that they turned out beautifully,they could not have picked a better location. It's so tricky to time the 'fall leaves' but I think these are gorgeous and I am betting that we took them on the last possible 'fall colors' day in that location, so we lucked out big time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, they make me feel so fall-ish and festive when I look at them.

Look at baby's face below. . . so funny :)She was grabbing her sister's hair and thought she was pretty clever.

um. . . these two just don't look like 'parents' below.

This is my favorite from the day.