Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday Tip: Thoughts on Newborn Photography
Newborn Photography: Go With the Flow (Literally)
Last week was a bit crazy around here (do I say that a lot?). I wasn’t able to get a Tuesday Tip posted. But have no fear; I am still determined to do this on MOST Tuesdays (that means at least 51% of the time).
Today’s tip was inspired by a recent session. I was lucky enough to take pictures of this beautiful little guy.

Isn’t he charming? Look at those eyes, those teeny tiny lips, ahhh.
Long ago I was able to sit in on a newborn session with a friend of mine who does them frequently. She gave me a list of tips to pass onto clients that included turning the thermostat up really high so the naked baby is comfortable, loosen the diaper 30 minutes before the session to decrease diaper lines in the skin, take pictures within the first 2 weeks of life, and a couple of other things (If you want the full list you can email me).
Along with the basic tips that we generally adhere too I would like to add:GO WITH THE FLOW.
Now, go with the ‘flow’ can mean many things, such as:
Be relaxed and realize that baby is going to lead the session.
Take pictures in the moments that are available between feeding, wiping, and comforting
Don’t stress about getting a ‘specific shot’
Let go of ALL of your expectations and see what happens
Be explorative
Be slow
Now, most importantly, Bring many towels and cloths to catch anything that may ‘flow’ out of the newborn because the newborn will usually have a flowing moment of the pee, poop, or vomit variety. I have never had a session where this does not happen. At my last session it was minimal compared to times past.
I was also thinking of some ways that you can take newborn pictures in your own home, with your own camera. If you are limited to a point and shoot camera you will want to turn your flash off, and be close to a north facing window (south is also acceptable) and use foam core boards to reflect light onto your baby as needed.
Newborns love to be swaddled and I think a swaddled newborn is very reminiscent of the womb. I like to take overhead shots of the swaddled newborn.

Also . . . It is the trend to have newborns asleep for their sessions. You can bend them into womby positions and such, but not every newborn will sleep. Even with the best efforts of an experienced photographer and super-mom the majority of newborns will be awake for a large portion of the session. If you are taking pictures of your own baby, or trying to take newborn pictures for someone else make the most of what the baby is naturally inclined to do. If she is asleep take pictures asleep, if she is awake take pictures of that too.

Personally, I love those glazed and glassy newborn eyes. They have a special newness that is lost within the first weeks of life. Don’t be afraid of wakeful newborns.
Go with the flow and have fun taking pictures of these brand new babes!
Last week was a bit crazy around here (do I say that a lot?). I wasn’t able to get a Tuesday Tip posted. But have no fear; I am still determined to do this on MOST Tuesdays (that means at least 51% of the time).
Today’s tip was inspired by a recent session. I was lucky enough to take pictures of this beautiful little guy.

Isn’t he charming? Look at those eyes, those teeny tiny lips, ahhh.
Long ago I was able to sit in on a newborn session with a friend of mine who does them frequently. She gave me a list of tips to pass onto clients that included turning the thermostat up really high so the naked baby is comfortable, loosen the diaper 30 minutes before the session to decrease diaper lines in the skin, take pictures within the first 2 weeks of life, and a couple of other things (If you want the full list you can email me).
Along with the basic tips that we generally adhere too I would like to add:GO WITH THE FLOW.
Now, go with the ‘flow’ can mean many things, such as:
Be relaxed and realize that baby is going to lead the session.
Take pictures in the moments that are available between feeding, wiping, and comforting
Don’t stress about getting a ‘specific shot’
Let go of ALL of your expectations and see what happens
Be explorative
Be slow
Now, most importantly, Bring many towels and cloths to catch anything that may ‘flow’ out of the newborn because the newborn will usually have a flowing moment of the pee, poop, or vomit variety. I have never had a session where this does not happen. At my last session it was minimal compared to times past.
I was also thinking of some ways that you can take newborn pictures in your own home, with your own camera. If you are limited to a point and shoot camera you will want to turn your flash off, and be close to a north facing window (south is also acceptable) and use foam core boards to reflect light onto your baby as needed.
Newborns love to be swaddled and I think a swaddled newborn is very reminiscent of the womb. I like to take overhead shots of the swaddled newborn.

Also . . . It is the trend to have newborns asleep for their sessions. You can bend them into womby positions and such, but not every newborn will sleep. Even with the best efforts of an experienced photographer and super-mom the majority of newborns will be awake for a large portion of the session. If you are taking pictures of your own baby, or trying to take newborn pictures for someone else make the most of what the baby is naturally inclined to do. If she is asleep take pictures asleep, if she is awake take pictures of that too.

Personally, I love those glazed and glassy newborn eyes. They have a special newness that is lost within the first weeks of life. Don’t be afraid of wakeful newborns.
Go with the flow and have fun taking pictures of these brand new babes!
Monday, April 18, 2011
K&J at The Villa: Utah Wedding Photography
So, I photographed this reception about 3 weeks ago. I had a blast. The reception was held at The Villa Reception Center in North Utah Valley. The location is gorgeous. The Villa is nestled in a pear orchard with a beautiful mountain backdrop. It is like stepping into a bit of Italy when you walk though the doors. The owners built the villa as their home to remind them of the years that they spent in Italy when they were first married (how romantic is that?). It is absolutely charming. It is, comfortable, eclectic, Italian, and has a very cozy. . .yet elegant feel to it. I like that it is also a home, not just a center for large parties. I spent a bit of time photographing The Villa, since I was so in love with it. Also, a bonus: It has white walls which make indoor photography so much easier :)
And I also rather enjoyed photographing CUTE K & J. Who are extremely photogenic and charming themselves. . .

And I also rather enjoyed photographing CUTE K & J. Who are extremely photogenic and charming themselves. . .

Reception at the Villa: Utah Wedding Photography
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tuesday Tip: Leading Lines or Why Orchards and Railroad Tracks Will Always be Interesting . . .

While in St. George I took some fun pictures. I thought I’d post the one that I didn’t take (Chantiel set up the shot and we asked a random stranger to take it, so I could be in it too) and leave you with a little tip to go along with it.

These lines do not necessarily have to be straight. Examples of leading lines are seen in many popular portrait settings: Roads and paths can be used to lead to a subject like a house, a porch, or a person. Orchards create a line on either side of a subject that disappears into to ‘perspective point’ and draws the viewer into the image.
Railroad tracks have parallel lines that can be used to add interest to a scene or draw the eye to the subject. Walls: when shot from the side like below creates an image of many tiny lines leading to our subject.
The next picture is a fun non-traditional portrait. I like the way the window slats are repetitive and also lead to J's cute face.
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